Safety Concerns Rise for Uninsured Individuals in the U.S.

Buying a health insurance policy might seem like an extra financial burden, especially when everything’s going fine. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyone’s perception of health insurance. 


Unfortunately, 44 million Americans don’t have health insurance. That makes them vulnerable to high treatment costs. It’s saddening how people are expressing their disappointment through tweets and wishing they had bought a policy in time. 


Raphael’s tweeted he’s had a respiratory cough and wanted to get tested for Coronavirus. That’s the level of confidence having a health insurance policy gives.


#Darkie, however, looked worried for the lack of a policy.


Chris Jolly tweeted he had to cancel his destination wedding in Indonesia. As much as we agree it’s a wise decision, the lack of an insurance policy seemed to affect his decision quite a lot.


Hispanic Men Don’t Cheat rightly brought out an underlying issue. A lot of people are risking their lives by choosing not to get tested for Coronavirus because they fear they wouldn’t end up spending a lot of money without a health insurance policy.



Sachiko Koyama expressed the same concern that this is making the situation worse. 




Samanhe highlighted a grave concern by sharing how international passengers weren’t tested at the airport and how this might worsen the situation in America.


In a country with a population of 330,451,770 people, it is hard to imagine how bad the situation might get if deadly COVID-19 goes on a spree. Immediate diagnosis and treatment are of paramount importance but it is premature to predict if uninsured individuals will voluntarily show up at the testing centers.

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