COVID19 Pandemic Pose Significant Challenges For Insurance Companies

With the outbreak of COVID19, the pressure started mounting on the Insurance companies. People claiming for compensation and other related benefits making things further troublesome to manage amid this crisis. The Coronavirus pandemic and the economic distresses it has triggered, like many other sectors, pose significant challenges for the global insurance industry in 2020. […]
Economic Impact of Unemployment Insurance and Employment

A fund of $600 per week has been raised as an unemployment insurance benefit. An analytical finding on this scheme reflects that it allows a majority of Americans to earn more from unemployment than employment. A profound insight into it will further reveal the actual facts. Here’s an article that discusses more on the topic. […]
Auto Insurance Companies Extending Support To The Vehicle Owners

Several auto insurance companies are leading the way in supporting people during these unprecedented times of global pandemic COVID19 and countrywide lockdown. In order to help their clients, auto insurers have begun issuing refunds to auto insurance policyholders due to a dramatic drop in driving. More And More Insurance Companies Are Giving Back […]
Health Insurance Companies are Waiving Costs Associated with CoronaVirus Testing

Now is the time when Insurance companies must show proactiveness by helping the holders if they manifest any symptoms for Covid-19. If you’re worried about affording the expense for the COVID-19 test, your insurance provider might have a perfect plan to help you with the necessary assistance. This is certainly the need of the […]
Insurance Companies Reaching Out To Business Organizations During COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting global supply chains and international trade – this is going to take a heavy toll on the global economy. During this crisis, Insurance Companies are reaching out to various business organizations with the view to collaborate and understand their pain points. Mr. Alexander Christian Swiger from New York Life […]
Insurance Companies are Extending Helping Hands to its Customers

During this covid-19 pandemic, Insurance companies are helping the customers overcome the crisis. They are launching new programs with better refund policies on premium; uplifting the customer support so that all queries can be attended, and many more. The companies are also allowing flexible payment options and delivery coverage expansion for various policies. Here […]
Insurance Companies Taking Care of their Customers During Covid-19

This is the perfect example of any business that is taking care of their loyal customers. Reider Insurance says it’s still there for you. It’s a great gesture and goes a lot way in reinforcing customers’ faith in the brand. Although their offices are closed but still they are available through phone, email, or chat […]
Housing Insurance Solution Protecting Their Employees & Customers

Everyone is coming together and joining hands to overcome this global Coronavirus crisis. MyKey Global requires partners who can provide documentation on how they are addressing Covid-19 and taking care of their employees. To reduce risk, MyKey requires partners, prior to securing a booking with us, to provide documentation of how they are addressing […]
Health Insurance Marketplace Suggests Strategies to Follow

In today’s time of crisis, it is important that everyone must have a health insurance policy for their family members. We dug up social media posts to check which insurance companies are actually helping business owners and corporate officers plan their investments through a good health insurance policy. Here’s what the video from says […]
Life Insurance Plans – A Sigh Of Relief In A Highly Tensed Situation

Since the outbreak of lethal coronavirus has happened globally, the risk of lives has been reached to greater risk. Undoubtedly, the abrupt and rapid spread of coronavirus has created a situation where people have got a feel of suppression and a high amount of panicking among themselves. Amid this tense situation, a lot of […]